Sunday, June 5, 2011

Making Home made Bio Diesel

Making Home made Bio Diesel - Part One Video

Part One of making Bio Diesel. Using used cooking oil for the making of Bio Diesel. Ratio = 1ltr of used filtered cooking oil, 250ml of Methanol, 6grms Sodium Hydroxide, to make 1 ltr Bio Diesel.

Making Home made Bio Diesel - Part Two

The Washing and drying process in making Bio Diesel

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Jatopha to biodiesel

Jatopha to Biodiesel Journey in Photo

Information about jatropha Plant and it uses

Information about jatropha Plant and it uses   



The oil plant Jatropha curcas (L) (Jatropha) or physic nut is a multipurpose and drought resistant large shrub or small tree. Although a native of tropical America, it now thrives throughout Africa and Asia. It grows in a number of climatic zones in tropical and sub-tropical regions of the world and can be grown in areas of low rainfall and problematical sites. Jatropha is easy to establish, grows relatively quickly and is hardy. Being drought tolerant, it can be used to reclaim eroded areas, be grown as a boundary fence or live hedge in the arid/semi-arid areas.

The wood and fruit of Jatropha can be used for numerous purposes including fuel. The seeds of Jatropha contains (. 50% by weight) viscous oil, which can be used for manufacture of candles and soap, in the cosmetics industry, for cooking and lighting by itself or as a diesel/paraffin substitute or extender. This latter use has important implications for meeting the demand for rural energy services and also exploring practical substitutes for fossil fuels to counter greenhouse gas accumulation in the atmosphere.

These characteristics along with its versatility make it of vital importance to developing countries subjected to decreasing tree cover and soil fertility because of increasing population and development pressures. Nearly half the world’s poorest people live on marginal lands with the number expected to increase from 500 million to 800 million by 2020. These areas are by definition isolated and fragile, with soils susceptible to erosion and subjected to environmental stresses of deforestation, prolonged droughts, and decreasing soil and ground water. Although southern Africa is rich in biodiversity and production potential, large areas are under semiarid and arid conditions with a moderate-to-high risk of drought. Plants species like Jatropha that can grow on lands not usually attractive for agriculture and supply raw material for industry, fuels for basic energy services and improve environment are therefore an obvious choice that needs to be assessed carefully and comprehensively.

Jatropha is not browsed, for its leaves and stems are toxic to animals, but after treatment, the seeds or seed cake could be used as an animal feed. Being rich in nitrogen, the seed cake is an excellent source of plant nutrients. Various parts of the plant are of medicinal value, its bark contains tannin, the flowers attract bees and thus the plant has honey production potential. Like all trees, Jatropha removes carbon from the atmosphere, stores it in the woody tissues and assists in the build up of soil carbon.

Despite these characteristics, the full potential of Jatropha is far from being realized. There are several reasons – technical, economic, cultural and institutional -- that need further discussion and examination. The growing and management of Jatropha, either on private public or community lands is poorly documented and there is little field experience that is being shared, especially in southern Africa. Currently, growers are unable to achieve the optimum economic benefits from the plant, especially for all its various uses. The markets for the different products have not been properly explored or quantified, nor have the costs or returns (both tangible and intangible) to supply raw materials or products to these markets. Consequently, the actual or potential growers including those in the subsistence sector do not have an adequate information base about the potential and economics of this plant to make decisions relating to their livelihood, not to mention its commercial exploitation.

It is therefore timely to examine the potential role that Jatropha can play in meeting some of the needs for energy services for rural communities and also creating avenues for greater employment. It is important that the discussion on the exploration of potential of Jatropha should include the multiple stakeholders involved in research, utilization and exploration of this oil plant including government officials, NGOs, private sector, etc. Most importantly representatives of local communities must be included to examine any existing or latent demand for the plant to determine the framework for any future initiative based on the outcome of the discussions on the potential of Jatropha curcas. Hence this workshop.

2. Objectives of the Workshop:

The workshop will explore the potential of Jatropha curcas in rural development and influencing livelihoods at the household level in an environmentally friendly manner. Some of the issues to be examined therefore include:

Use of Jatropha in meeting domestic needs of energy services including cooking and lighting;

Potential of Jatropha as an additional source of household income and employment through markets for fuel, fertilizer, animal feed medicine, and industrial raw material for soap, cosmetics, etc.

Potential of Jatropha in creating environmental benefits – protection of crops or pasture lands, or as a hedge for erosion control, or as a windbreak.

3. Production of Jatropha curcas

Considerable plantation of Jatropha had been undertaken in Zimbabwe by a number of active organizations involved in its promotion including the Agricultural Research Trust (ART), the Biomass Users Network (BUN), the Forestry Commission (FC) and the Plant Oil Producers Association (POPA). An estimated four million Jatropha plants have been planted in Zimbabwe by the end of 1997 amounting to nearly 2,000 hectares of plantations.

Although it is known that Jatropha can be established from seed, seedlings and vegetatively from cuttings, very little written information is available in Africa about the silviculture and management of Jatropha. Plants from seeds develop a typical taproot and four lateral roots, and cuttings do not develop a taproot (Heller J. 1996). Jatropha is a fast growing plant and can achieve a height of three meters within three years under a variety of growing conditions. Seed production from plants propagated from seeds can be expected within 3-4 years. Use of branch cutting for propagation is easy and results in rapid growth; the bush can be expected to start bearing fruit within one year of planting. (Jones & Miller, 1992, p. 8)

Whilst Jatropha grows well in low rainfall conditions (requiring only about 200 mm of rain to survive) it can also respond to higher rainfall (up to 1200 mm) particularly in hot climatic conditions. In Nicaragua for example, Jatropha grows very well in the country’s hot climate with rainfall of 1 000mm or more. Experience in Zimbabwe has shown that high rainfall in the relatively cooler parts of the country does not encourage the same vigorous growth. However, in the low-veld areas, such as in the mid-Save region, Jatropha grows well, although comparative yields have not been established. Jatropha does not thrive in wetland conditions. The plant is undemanding in soil type and does not require tillage. In southern Africa, the best time for planting is in the warm season to avoid the cold season since the plants are sensitive to ground frost that may occur in the cold season. (BUN newsletter 1996).

The recommended spacing for hedgerows or soil conservation is 15cm - 25cm x 15cm-25cm in one or two rows respectively and 2m x 1.5m to 3m x 3mm for plantations (Jones N, Miller J.H. 1992, p.7). Thus there will be between 4,000 to 6,700 plants per km. for a single hedgerow and double that when two rows are planted. The number of trees per hectare at planting will range from 1,600 to 2,200. Wider spacing is reported to give larger yields of fruit, 794 kg/ha and 318 g/shrub (Heller J. 1996).

In equatorial regions where moisture is not a limiting factor (i.e. continuously wet tropics or under irrigation), Jatropha can bloom and produce fruit all year. A drier climate has been found to improve the oil yields of the seeds, though to withstand times of extreme drought, Jatropha plant will shed leaves in an attempt to conserve moisture which results in somewhat decreased growth. (Jones and Miller, 1992, p.7)

Seed production ranges from about 0.4 tons per hectare per year to over 12 t. /ha. /a., after five years of growth (Jones N, Miller J.H. 1992). Although not clearly specified, this range in production may be attributable to low and high rainfall areas. In Mali, where Jatropha is planted in hedges, the reported productivity is from 0.8 kg. – 1.0 kg. of seed per meter of live fence (Henning R. 1996). This is equivalent to between 2.5 t. /ha. /a. and 3.5 t. /ha. /a.. The practices being undertaken by the Jatropha growers currently need to be scientifically documented along with growth and production figures. The growth and yield of wood may be in proportion to nut yield and could be improved through effective management practices.

Woody biomass growth, unlike seed production, is not recorded in any articles to hand. Although it needs to be tested, it is possible that nearly one-third of net primary production (NPP) in Jatropha curcas may be in the form of woody biomass. However, it needs to be tested if there is tradeoff between growing Jatropha plants for optimizing woody biomass vs. seed production for oil. Reportedly, Jatropha trees/bushes live up to 50 years or more. Like all perennial plants, Jatropha displays vigorous growth in youth that tails off gradually towards maturity.

Existing literature indicates that the Agricultural Research Trust of Zimbabwe (ART) has laid down trials of different provenance of Jatropha curcas. Such research work is vital in determining the most appropriate provenance and optimum management systems and must be pursued. The current status of this work may give an important insight into the management and yield of Jatropha in Zimbabwe. Although non-toxic varieties of Jatropha curcas were sent to Zimbabwe for planting, (Gubitz G. M. et al eds. 1997, page 203), their current locations are unclear. It is however possible that ART included these varieties in their provenance trials. Success of such varieties would make the seed cake following oil extraction suitable as animal feed without a need for its detoxification.

Although Jatropha is adapted to low fertility sites and alkaline soils, better yields are obtained on poor quality soils if fertilizers containing small amounts of calcium, magnesium, and sulfur are used. Mycorrhizal associations have been observed with Jatropha and are known to aid the plant’s growth under conditions where phosphate is limiting. (Jones & Miller, 1992, p.7)

A perceived advantage of Jatropha is its capability to grow on marginal land and its ability to reclaim problematic lands and restore eroded areas. As it is not a forage crop, it plays an important role in keeping out the cattle and protects other valuable food crops or cash crops. Jatropha products from the fruit - the flesh, seed coat and seed cake - are rich in nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium (NPK) and are fertilizers that improve soil. Jatropha hedges and shelterbelts by improving the microclimate and providing humus and fertilizers to the soil can further enhance the productivity of other agricultural crops.

However, the above uses can be constrained by the prevalence of pests and diseases that attack Jatropha. Existing literature indicates that contrary to popular belief that toxicity and insecticidal properties of J. curcas are a sufficient deterrent for insects that cause economic damage in plantations, several groups of insects have overcome this barrier. Particularly noteworthy is the insect order of Heteroptera that has at least 15 species in Nicaragua that can extract nutrients from physic nut. The stem borer from the coleopterous family of Cerambycidae that is known as a minor pest in cassava can kill mature physic nut trees. The relatively few leaf-eating insects present are not capable of doing much damage once the trees have passed the seedling stage. Biological control can make use of beneficial arthropods – polyphagous predators and specialized parasitoids – either by conservation or augmentative releases; the first alternative being the more cost efficient (Grimm & Maes, 1997). In some areas of Zimbabwe the golden flea beetle (Podagrica spp.) can cause harm – eat young leaves and shoots, particularly on young plants. Jatropha is also host to the fungus "frogeye" (Cercospera spp.) common in tobacco. The workshop will examine the issue of pests and diseases that afflict Jatropha in further detail to ensure that it is safe to be used as a live fence and/or boundary plantation for various agricultural and cash crops.

In summary, the workshop will examine issues relating to silvicultural production systems and nutrient requirements of Jatropha curcas can be summarized as below:

What are the best management techniques (planting practices, spacing, etc.) to promote the optimum growth of Jatropha to optimize for instance nut production?

What types of edaphic factors, climatic conditions provide best for Jatropha curcas, both from the perspective of fruit and biomass? What is the ideal rotation age for nuts and the plant? What varieties, including non-toxic varieties perform better in southern Africa?

How can Jatropha curcas plantations by themselves or in agro-forestry combinations (climatic conditions and management practices) alleviate problems of devegetation and soil erosion and improve, the environment.

Available biological control/IPM techniques to control of pests and diseases of Jatropha.

4. Jatropha curcas as an Energy Source

4.1 Oil from Jatropha curcas

Jatropha oil is an important product from the plant for meeting the cooking and lighting needs of the rural population, boiler fuel for industrial purposes or as a viable substitute for diesel. Substitution of firewood by plant oil for household cooking in rural areas will not only alleviate the problems of deforestation but also improve the health of rural women who are subjected to the indoor smoke pollution from cooking by inefficient fuel and stoves in poorly ventilated space. Jatropha oil performs very satisfactorily when burnt using a conventional (paraffin) wick after some simple design changes in the physical configuration of the lamp.

About one-third of the energy in the fruit of Jatropha can be extracted as an oil that has a similar energy value to diesel fuel. Jatropha oil can be used directly in diesel engines added to diesel fuel as an extender or trans-esterised to a bio-diesel fuel. In theory, a diesel substitute can be produced from locally grown Jatropha plants, thus providing these areas with the possibility of becoming self sufficient in fuel for motive power. There are technical problems to using straight Jatropha oil in diesel engines that have yet to be completely overcome. Moreover, the cost of producing Jatropha oil as a diesel substitute is currently higher than the cost of diesel itself that is either subsidized or not priced at "full cost" because of misconceived and distorted national energy policies. Nevertheless the environmental benefits of substituting plant oils for diesel provides for make highly desirable goals.

In 1995, the Rockefeller Foundation (RF) and the German Government’s Technical Assistance Programme (GTZ) joined together to evaluate the use of plant oil as a renewable fuel source for rural development in three of the countries -- Brazil, Nepal and Zimbabwe. Since species whose cultivation would not displace other agricultural crops nor compete for land with greater opportunity for other applications were being considered, Jatropha curcas emerged as a prime plant for investigation. This workshop builds on the earlier work of this initiative and examines rural development and generation of employment in southern Africa to determine the issues, need and prospects for further research and development. The workshop will therefore discuss various issues including:

Status of ongoing and potential research focusing on the applicability of Jatropha oil to meet the cooking and lighting needs of rural households and its competitiveness in substituting diesel in various stationary and mobile applications

Economic feasibility of Jatropha oil in meeting the energy services needs;

Available technology and products to meet the above mentioned needs and status of technological research;

Role of the private sector and government policies in commercialization of Jatropha curcas products.

5. Other products of Jatropha curcas

Although ability to control land degradation and oil production are most important environmental uses of Jatropha, its products provide numerous other benefits that would additionally improve the living conditions of the rural people and offer greater income opportunities through enhanced rural employment. For instance, the Jatropha oil can be used for soap production and cosmetics production in rural areas and all parts of the plant have traditional medicinal uses (both human and veterinary purposes) that are being scientifically investigated.

The oil is a strong purgative, widely used as an antiseptic for cough, skin diseases, and as a pain reliever from rheumatism. Jatropha latex can heal wounds and also has anti-microbial properties. Jatropha oil has been used commercially as a raw material for soap manufacture for decades, both by large and small industrial producers. Soap from Jatropha oil is being made by small informal industries in rural areas in both Zimbabwe and Mali. A large manufacturer is interested in using Jatropha oil to substitute tallow in commercial soap making. The monthly requirement of this industry alone is 2,000 liters of oil. To supply this demand would require between 18,000-22,000 ha of Jatropha plantation or 30,000-40,000 km. Of Jatropha hedges or a combination of the two. Currently tallow fetches higher price than diesel in Zimbabwe. What are the possibilities of using commercial interest as above to create a capacity for Jatropha oil to address issues of rural energy equity and employment generation?

The oil cake cannot be directly used as animal feed because of its toxicity, but it is valuable as a fertilizer having a nitrogen content comparable to chicken manure and castorbean seed cake. The toxicity of the seeds is because of curcin (a toxic protein) and diterpene esters. Apparently seeds of Mexican origin have less toxic content and with proper processing they can be eaten. Although there are laboratory studies indicating detoxification, its feasibility and profitability on a large scale is yet to be investigated.

The workshop will therefore:

Examining the potential market for various Jatropha products;

Assessing the value of these products to the rural population;

Determining the optimum combination for their use; and

Proposing a strategy to maximize rural development, energy equity and employment.

6. Costs and Returns

6.1 Costs

An estimate of costs and returns from cultivation of Jatropha plantations/hedgerows’ scenarios is crucial to analyzing its role in rural development. Costs, as well as returns are involved at different stages of the growing and harvesting of Jatropha curcas and the manufacture/use of different plant products and include both tangible and intangible components of each. For instance an estimate of the following cost heads would be required for any economic analysis:

1. Cultivation of Jatropha

a. Planting costs; c. Tending costs,

b. Establishment costs; d. Other costs (specify).

2. Wood

a. Pruning; f. Pole production;

b. Thinning; g. Other products, specify;

c. Felling; h. Storage costs of products;

d. Firewood production; i. Transport costs;

e. Charcoal production; j. Other costs, specify.

3. Fruit.

a. Collection; e. Charcoal production from shells;

b. Removal of flesh; f. Storage of products, (oil, cake, shells, flesh, etc.);

c. Removal of shell; g. Transport costs;

d. Extraction of oil, (state method); h. Other costs, (specify).
4. Capital & Labor costs


Machinery and equipment

Labor as per respective activity

6.2 Returns

Similarly several types of returns from the growing and use of the products from Jatropha curcas need to be carefully estimated. The obvious returns pertain to sale or market prices of the different products. These returns should be recorded and then compared to the cost of the growing plus management of the plants and the manufacture of the products to arrive at profitability of various products.

Some of the costs and returns have been indicated in the literature while others may have to be extrapolated from estimates for similar crops. A discussion document that provides a perspective on various economic costs and benefits is being prepared and will be ready prior to the meeting. The discussion in the afternoon of the last day will focus mainly on the socio-economic analysis gleaned from the workshop and the paper to generate insights for future investigation and research and development


The expected output will be

A good understanding of the role of Jatropha curcas in rural development;

Based on that understanding a broad commitment from the national participants to pursue Jatropha curcas for rural development; and

A strategy for field implementation.

It is hoped that the deliberations will pave the way for a Plan of Action to galvanize the planting and use of Jatropha curcas by rural communities to improve their well being and livelihood in association with the private sector and assisted by appropriate government policies.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Bio diesel plant Pakistan Video ...

Bio diesel plant (Jatropha) production-season,& per acre yield.Pakistan ...

Bio diesel plant Pakistan

Bio diesel plant Pakistan Dr.Ashraf Sahibzada

Innovation of biodiesel by Pakistani Scientists

Innovation of biodiesel by Pakistani Scientists 

promotion of Biodiesel in Pakistan

 PSOs’ Biodiesel Initiative for the promotion of Biodiesel in Pakistan   

2.  Biodiesel – A Brief Description
Biodiesel is a domestic, renewable fuel for diesel engines derived from natural oils (plant oil and
animal fats), which meets the specifications of ASTM D 6751. Technically Biodiesel is a chemical
compound - “mono-alkyl ester” and is the product of the reaction of a straight chain alcohol, such
as methanol or ethanol, with a fat or oil (triglyceride) to form glycerol (glycerin) and the esters of
long chain fatty acids. 

1.  Executive Summary

Due to declining fossil fuel reserves, global climate changes and government regulation regarding
Green House Gases;  the alternate  fuel sources available nowadays have become more and more
important. Although  there are a number of different  fuel sources available but biodiesel is most
feasible  for  countries  like  Pakistan  due  to  its  agricultural  base  and  suitable  climatic  condition,
Total  Geographical  area  of  Pakistan  is  approx.  80  million  ha  and  30%  of  it  is  utilized  for
agriculture purpose and this highlights the potential for fuel crops such as Jatropha, Castor , etc in
Pakistan. So  the more we grow  fuel  crops  for alternate  fuel  source  the  better  it  is  both  for  the
environment and for our economy. 

Considering the aforementioned scenario, PSO (Pakistan State Oil) has already started working on
Bio-fuels  with  emphasis  on  bio  diesel.  Currently,  Pakistan  consumes  about  8  million  tons  of
petroleum diesel per annum half of which is imported. With 10 % blend of bio diesel, a substantial
savings can be achieved in terms of foreign exchange as well as improved earnings for the whole
nation especially for poor farmer communities.

PSO  has  selected  Jatropha Curcas as  a  prospective  plant  candidate  for bio-diesel  because  of  its
unique  characteristics  and  for  the  same  reason  substantial  research  work  has  been  done  by
countries  like  India,  Malaysia,  China,  Brazil  and  USA.  To  produce  10%  blend  of  biodiesel,
approximately  one  million  acres  of  marginal/barren/waste  land  is  required  for  Jatropha

PSO has also made significant progress in plantation of Jatropha Curcas shrubs and now we are
leading  in all aspect of  Jatropha plantation  to biodiesel production and  its application. We have
successfully completed initial project life cycle (From Jatropha seed sowing to its use) and have set
the following direction for the initiation of Biodiesel in Pakistan

Download full Report (PDF) 
 PSOs’ Biodiesel Initiative for the promotion of Biodiesel in Pakistan  



-The technology of trans-esterification has already been developed and tested locally at Sir Syed University of
Engineering & Technology, Karachi.
- The capacity of locally developed unit for the production of Biodiesel is 100 liters per batch in two hours.
- On full scale it can produce up to 400 liters of Biodiesel per day using which a 200 KW generator can run for 8 hours on B100 (100% Biodiesel).

- The bio-energy alternative is exciting because it provides us with
easily available fuel that can fit into today’s gasoline and diesel engines with minimal or no changes to existing systems.

- Biofuel is also a form of solar energy harvested from the land, as plants use photosynthesis to convert solar energy into chemical energy stored in the form of oils etc., and wherever land and water are abundant biofuel is cheap and sustainable.

- Of the bio-energy alternatives, one exciting trend is Biodiesel
– a diesel-like substitute from plant and animal fats.


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